an attempt at documentation of my ongoing struggles with solaris and opensolaris on x86. I believe strongly in the (public) documentation of trials, struggles and failures, even more so than in the documentation of success: With a long standing commitment to solaris, looking for answers and just finding "I tried it on distibution 'X' and it worked for me" is not very informative.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

building enblend: another step closer to hugin?

Don't know why I just don't give up. I *need* to get my photo stuff into hugin I suppose.

So, having a go at building enblend; yet another dependency for hugin.

Downloaded and

configure: error: libxmi is required to compile enblend.

so. Download libxmi and see what that brings us:
# make
# make install

And works! Kudos to the developers of both libxmi and opensolaris... clean, portable code and a build environment that's starting to make sense of linux stuff!

Another go at building enblend (with LDFLAGS=-L /usr/local/lib) now fails for sake of boost headers missing. Which is not too bad doing this now, as hugin lists it as a requirement as well.

Let's have a go at those.

# ./configure

# make

[ ... quite a few errors relating to python stuff, but I'll leave it at that for now; just hoping python isn't used down the road ...]
#make install
works as well!

update 30/03: Managed to get ./configure to complete. However, make struggles. I filed an incident report at the good soureforge-folks of the project team:

See for details.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, FYI I just built hugin on S11: