an attempt at documentation of my ongoing struggles with solaris and opensolaris on x86. I believe strongly in the (public) documentation of trials, struggles and failures, even more so than in the documentation of success: With a long standing commitment to solaris, looking for answers and just finding "I tried it on distibution 'X' and it worked for me" is not very informative.

Friday, February 20, 2009

jUploadr for opensolaris

Sometimes (most of the times) using the standard web upload forms of flickr just won't do. Having worked before with jUploadr, I decided to give it another on my pretty recent install of nevada build 105.

There were a couple of odd tricks I had to perform to get it to work though as documented in Michal Pryc's blog. Still it strikes me as odd to have to replace a couple of libraries to get what essentially seems to be a java application to work, but I guess that's the nature of eclipse.

Be it as it is, jUploadr works like a charm!

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