an attempt at documentation of my ongoing struggles with solaris and opensolaris on x86. I believe strongly in the (public) documentation of trials, struggles and failures, even more so than in the documentation of success: With a long standing commitment to solaris, looking for answers and just finding "I tried it on distibution 'X' and it worked for me" is not very informative.

Monday, January 19, 2009

pidgin, facebook plugins and opensolaris (nevada)

I recently stumbled over a facebook-plugin for pidgin and thought I'd give it a try and build it on my fresh install of nv_105.

Downloaded both the icons and the source...

# bunzip2 pidgin-facebookchat-source-1.47.tar.bz2
# /usr/sfw/bin/gtar xvf pidgin-facebookchat-source-1.47.tar
# cd pidgin-facebookchat

# make
# cp /usr/lib/purple-2/

# cd /usr/lib/purple-2/
# chgrp bin

Icons were easy...

# bunzip2 pidgin-facebookchat-1.47.tar.bz2
# /usr/sfw/bin/gtar xvf pidgin-facebookchat-1.47.tar
# cp ./usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/22/facebook.png /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/22/
# cp ./usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/48/facebook.png /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/48/
# cp ./usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/16/facebook.png /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/16/

Damn. by far the easiest I've run into...


GasMeister said...

Thanks for documenting this tidbit. I am a die-hard Solaris user and try to do everything from my Solaris desktop.

herrib said...


Adaptions have to be realised to compile on OpenSolaris.

Firstly, edit the Makefile and adapt the gcc reference (references are related to Linux systems ...).

Secondly, for icons, download

Otherwise, the plugin is fully integrated in pidgin.